Focusing on the basics & building a successful team
helped her scale her business to 7-figures

Many clients come to me with big dreams of scaling their businesses. One of the key areas I immediately look at: What’s going on with their people—their team? For Jordan, the team was in a state of flux. She didn’t have the stability she desired and desperately needed. So we heavily focused on building that successful team during our time together. And by the end? Well… she hit some life-changing milestones.
Jordan Gill is well-known in the online marketing world. She’s based in Dallas, TX where she lives with her husband, Marcus, bonus son, Collin, and puppy.
Jordan is very open about her health struggles and her desire (and need) to have a life-first approach to business. (Amen!) With a business name like Systems Saved Me® it’s no surprise that her systems and offers were on-point when we met.
But not everything was rosey…
“I was wanting consistency. Obviously how I was building my team wasn’t working. I needed an outside perspective on how to attract people who would want to stay long term.”

Jordan had no idea what it was that was the thing that was costing her her success—she thought she needed to quit. Instead, she decided to call in help to find and fix the problem.
“I didn’t come from a corporate background. This was my first time getting my feet wet on the team-building side and I was tired of trying to figure that stuff out on my own.”
Bringing in someone like a coach, ops person, or business strategist in moments of uncertainty leaves many business owners feeling very… exposed and vulnerable.
And truthfully—how comfortable you feel with that support person (coach or strategist) can make or break your business success. Luckily with Jordan—
“We instantly clicked. We’re both operationally-minded and Celi is just such a great strategic partner, which I didn’t have at the time in my business.”
What Jordan did have before working with me was:
- Team members who would turn around and walk out after 3-to-5 months
- A business with product-market fit, high demand, and momentum
- A vision for where she wanted to go and the heart of an entrepreneur
“I liked that Celi had the perspective of having worked with other 7-figure businesses.”
Knowing where you want to go is 90% of the work. (That’s why I start all my private clients and G.A.B. students out with the same task: building their business vision.)
Jordan knew where she wanted to go—just not how to get there.
And that’s where I came in…
Jordan’s work was in getting back to business basics—in order to scale and grow the business.
“Celi encouraged me to get back to basics and do what works really well. That got the momentum going again.”
I’ve worked with businesses ranging from Fortune 500 companies—we’re talking household name-brand businesses—all the way to very small startups. In each and every case, there was a gap in at least one of the business foundations.
And nothing could save them (even those big, well known brands) except for getting back to the basics of business.
My brain works in very mysterious ways. I can spot business foundational gaps just by asking business owners a few key questions.
And here’s the fun part… it doesn’t matter what the type of business is or what industry the business is in—
The gaps exist in one of these 5 P’s:
- Product
- Price
- People
- Promotional Process
- Proof
Each of these foundational business pillars is critical to the strength and success of a business.
(There’s also a right time to work on each of them, which I discuss in my Chaos to Clarity workshop.)
Jordan’s business was missing that “People” piece—not in terms of clients, but team.
We discovered this because Jordan filled out a KPI Sheet so we could work from that data.
I met with Jordan for weekly 1-hour coaching sessions. During these calls, we reviewed her KPIs. I showed her how to analyze the data and use it to fuel business-building decisions.
“It helped me stay in the data instead of the feelings.”
Jordan is not alone! I see this all the time with my clients. They find themselves spinning out of control, feeling like they’re losing their grip on their business and their life. But when they learn how to read the data and use that to make informed, empowered decisions—it’s a game changer!
Decisions like… building a strong team.
How you build a successful business team begins with the hiring process.
And that could mean you’re starting by reflecting on who’s currently in the position.
If the data shows that the right someone isn’t in that seat, it’s time to make a decision about that team member. Sometimes you’re able to keep the person and move them into a different role (one that’s better suited for their skills).
But in Jordan’s case, she had to let some people go while we were working together.
“Celi helped me prepare for those difficult conversations, which I literally hate. She helped me identify really great candidates too—who would be a good fit and why.”
And like Jordan said… it sucks to have to have those tough conversations. But the data helps you to know when something needs to happen and what that action needs to be for the health and growth of your business.
“I like that Celi is very data-driven and yet—she leaves room for the emotions.”
That’s the difference between a regular business coach and a business coach who COMBINES Strategy with mindset work.
Even the emotions are data points!
I don’t want you to suppress them and just move on. I want you to notice them, become aware of what triggers them, and do the mindset work so they’re transformed into a piece of data that helps you move your business forward!
Ok, let’s get you to the fun stuff that happened in Jordan’s life as a result of working with yours truly ↓
In our time together, Jordan achieved some very life-changing business and personal goals.
“Those 6 months I worked with Celi were so impactful.”

By getting back to the basics of business, Jordan was able to: Instead, she decided to call in help to find and fix the problem.
- Find the Gap in her Sales PRocess and team that was stalling revenue growth
- Make her first 7-figures
- Buy her first home
For context, the year prior to working with me, Jordan grossed $429k. The year we worked together, she ended at $1.2M (and we only worked together for 6 months).
“Crossing the 7-figure mark was a really special moment to celebrate with Celi.”
(I agree! It was incredibly special. I love being able to celebrate all the wins—no matter how “big” or “small”—with my clients.)
What’s even more special is the change I start to see in the people I work with.
Which was evident with Jordan because even the people around her noticed a shift.
“My husband, Marcus, was really proud of me and proud of my business. I remember when I bought our house he said, ‘You did this! This is amazing and it’s what you wanted!’”
She’s been able to continue to trust her gut and to know that—
“Even if I made a bad decision, it was a decision and I can always change it.”
(What a freeing mental state to be in, right?)
And what does Jordan have to say about the business mindset coaching experience?
“The clarity and transparency from my numbers every single week allowed me to see who was—from a KPI perspective—performing or underperforming on my team and nip things in the bud as much as possible.”
She has a team that takes care of nearly everything for her—allowing her to be almost completely removed from day-to-day operations of her business.
This is a really big deal for Jordan who doesn’t shy away from sharing that she has a chronic illness that limits her energetic capacity on a day-to-day basis.
And that is the beauty of the work I do!
- No two businesses look the same.
- No two business owners have the same needs.
- No two brains are going to work 100% exactly the same.
If you’re ready to:
- Build the business of your dreams—one that provides for the life you want to live
- Make business decisions from a place of empowerment (not survival)
- Get your passion for your business back, baby!
psst: you can even book a call with me to see if G.A.B. Accelerator is a good fit for you.