
March 2, 2022 WRITTEN BY Celi AriasHow to Easily Create a Vision for Your Business

What would you say if someone asked you to share the vision for your business?


You know… the thing that is the North Star of your business? That everyone on your team is on board with? Cat got your tongue? Let’s explore that…


You’re working on your business, and what you’re working on day in and day out, seems obvious. As long as you’re busy, and working over 8 hrs a day, you’re an entrepreneur and you’re doing the thing, building the thing, and you’re in the grind like everyone else.


Why developing a mission and vision is important to a business


How do you know you’re working on the right things, focusing on the right places for your business?


There are probably endless lists of to-dos, strategies, marketing plans, systems to build and coaches out there to tell you what you should be doing next. Here’s the little thing we often forget and no one is telling you. None of those things matter! None of those coaches or courses or programs, new tactics or webinars … you get the idea… NONE of it matters if you don’t have one thing. 


If you aren’t clear on what your vision is for you and for your business. Without a vision you will continue to add more tools to your tool-belt, spend more money, and still kinda feel like you’re running in circles.


The only way to know if the next “big thing” (or coach or program or course) is right for you, is by making sure it’s aligned with your vision. 


All of those courses you’re being sold every single day on every single platform? The coach you keep circling back to and checking out her website again and again wondering if the high ticket price is worth it? The webinars filling your calendar?


You’ll know what to ignore – if you can just understand what it is that you really really want (yes, cue the song).


How I Work with Clients to Formulate Their Business Visions


This is where I start with everyone.  Over time I’ve simplified the exercise down into 4 questions you need to answer for yourself. This is just for the sake of getting clear with yourself, quickly.  This is also a GREAT exercise to do when you just feel like you’ve trailed off the path and you’re not sure why.


Answer these 4 questions, ideally on one sheet of paper. Put it on your desk or at least in a place you’ll see it throughout the day, and refer back to it when you are feeling off or out of alignment with yourself.


That. Is. It.

Exercise: Celi’s 4-Question Business Vision Builder


1 – What’s your number?

  • How much money do you want to make in your business? Do you want to replace your full-time salary with your own business? Are you trying to grow your business 20%, 50%?
  •  Be VERY Clear on what your number is. Do not sway, do not change it when people ask, and ideally, get comfortable with saying it out loud. If you can’t say it to others, say it out loud to yourself in the mirror until it feels real.
  • Why a number? Because it’s so easy to overwork, take free calls, not charge the right amount to hit your number, volunteer your time – etc.  Your number keeps you focused on the work that actually makes that number even a possibility, like in real dollar bills.
  • Ex: I’ve had a tendency to overwork (mentor for free, take “brain picking” calls, and spend time over complicating my systems). I love what I do so it’s easy for me to overwork. A number that feels like a stretch to me, keeps me focused on the projects that will get me to the goal, and helps me politely bow out of all of those things that will make me feel drained at the end of the day.


2. What’s the impact? 

  • A business that lights you up, has an impact on your, your community and your clients. What does that impact look like?
  • This should be exciting and make you feel all warm inside – you’re living your dream and impacting others.
  • Ex: I grow people’s businesses because I love making complex systems fun,easy and digestible and using my skills to help others with their journey is my deepest calling.


3. How do you want to FEEL?

  • Yes we’re going to talk about our feelings. How you want to feel is the source of your deepest desires, so we want to make sure we cultivate those.
  • Make a long list of all the ways you want to feel in your life. This can be a wild range, so let yourself sit and list out your desired feeling states. Then go have a cup of tea and take a break from the list.
  • When you’re ready, come back to the list and circle the top 4-7 words that truly define how you want to feel. Write them down, several times, in several places.
  • Make sure they are in sight or easy to remember and write them down whenever you need a reminder.  Having a bad day?  Write you feeling words and see which one you’re not hitting on today.
  • In case you’re curious, some of my words are: Creative, Joy, Space, Divine feminine, Communion, Abundance, Embodied


4. If you have a team, what do you want for them?

  • This is a chance to make sure those who are key to your success are also feeling supported and lit up by their life. Guess what a happy team looks like?  One that is a really productive team. One that sticks around for the long-term.
  • What does success and happiness look like for them and why do they love working with you?
  • If you don’t know the answer to what they would like, go ask them.  This helps remind you that every decision you make, every new product you launch or system you decide to build, has an effect on someone else.
  • You are only as good as your team, make sure they know it and feel it.


And that’s your one-page personal compass. (AKA: the easiest business vision ever!) 


When in doubt, when feeling frustrated, take a glance at your list. See what you’re currently doing that’s working or not working. And redirect from this guide as your compass first.

We like 4’s around here! When you’re ready to solidify those business foundations of yours so you can easily scale to that next-level vision of your business ↓